Background info
September 2021
UI Design, UX Design, Branding, Research prototyping
Pencil and paper, Figma
Main Info
I took part in this week long design project for Jameson Whiskey as part of Belfast design week. As part of their brief, Jameson wanted to create a digital product or solution that encouraged younger audiences to try Jameson whiskey and to promote ingredients local to the region.
Target audience
For this task, Jameson wanted to focus on 25-30 year old young professionals, since Jameson tends to be seen as an ‘old person’s drink’. In Northern Ireland, the biggest competitor in Whiskey for this age group is Bushmills, so Jameson wanted to create a product which gave them a competitive edge in this market.
I started this project by quickly noting some ideas for my digital project. I looked at some cocktails which included whiskey as a starting point. I thought it would be a good idea to create a product which helped young people to make cocktails for pre-drinks- since the majority of younger people have drinks with friends prior to going out.
The project
After establishing the target audience and completing some research, I decided to create a cocktail making app. This would work similarly to BBC food, in the sense that it would help young people to make cocktails based on their preference of ingredients, flavours and difficulty. I also thought it would also be good to allow users to save their favourite recipes for future use and view cocktails related to their previous searches.

One of the greatest challenges faced in this project was the time constraints. Since I only had a week to create a finalised piece, I found it difficult to create something that had a clean enough user experience. Instead of dedicating more time towards mockups and user flow design, I was forced to dive straight into hi fi wireframing and prototyping.
Although this design task was quite constrictive in terms of time, I am really glad that I challenged myself to create something in just over a week. Given more time, I think I would have conceptualised something slightly different from the end result, but I think that what I created took shape very well.